Southern Dirt Modifieds Have Been Postponed

The Southern Dirt Modifieds that were originally scheduled to bring the roar and rumble of their big block modifieds to Tri-State Speedway this coming weekend have been forced to reschedule at a later date due to the continuous meddling of Mother Nature into their race season.

Not only has the rain interrupted our weekly racing, but it has itnerrupted their sereis racing, as well. With them being several races behind in their series and with a fairly good chance of us being rained out, it was a decision that had to be made.

Tri-State was not originally on their schedule but was added as a "work in" date that seemed possible this coming weekend. A make-up date has not been scheduled as of yet, but we will get them here for our fans, as soon as time allows.

Tri-State Speedway will be racing all regular classes plus mechanic's races this weekend, if the weather allows.

Souther Dirt Modifieds
